
Cross my heart and hope to die

Barghest and RĂ³ta


02-15-2022, 04:25 PM

Idunn called for him and Bodin was more than willing to answer that call. The giant, nebula of a brute was slowly integrating himself with the familial band. He knew that he was an outsider and that it would take a while to gain their complete trust, but that was something that he could understand. He wouldn't trust a stranger around his family immediately either. Although... Bodin had no family. Not anymore. They were all gone. Swallowed up by the sea. Surely other creatures had made it off of the continent, but he hadn't seen hide nor hair of another wolf from his land since arriving in this one. After a time, he simply believed that there would be no one. They were gone. Dead and gone. It was best not to dwell on the past and focus on the life ahead of him, so the red and blue giant threw himself into this new group, hoping to obtain a place within their ranks and create a home with them.

The brute's skillset was geared towards hunting, despite his gargantuan size. He was rather stealthy and had a knack for stalking. Often he would return to camp with some dead animal or another clutched between his jaws. One couldn't say that he didn't pull his own weight and then some. Bodin was glad to see that there were many like minds within the group. Others that enjoyed hunting as well. He wasn't surprised in the least when he arrived to see that Idunn and Rota were prepared to make snares. He was more than willing to assist and would be able to point them towards the choicest rabbit hunting grounds once the ropes were constructed.

Settling down on the ground on his dark belly, the man began attempting to plait the stalks, though it was rather difficult. He had big paws and it made delicate work like plaiting rather difficult. Rota made some grumbling remark in her tongue and the brute chuckled. "Whatever she said, I'm probably inclined to agree. Next time perhaps we should try vines." He wasn't criticizing Idunn in the slightest, it was simply a suggestion for their next hunting trip. He hoped there would be another, at least.

In time, Bodin had a sloppy sort of rope created. The brute grimaced and pushed it towards the two fae's. "I don't think I'm very good at this," he admitted. Dark ears tucked to his skull in mock bashfulness. He wasn't ashamed by his shoddy craftsmanship. Bodin was a bit brute and his paws weren't built for such work. "At least I can show you where the rabbits are." The man's galaxy spattered tail thumped the ground good naturedly and his mismatched eyes crinkled at the corners as he grinned. Bodin continued to lay there upon his belly, waiting patiently for the pair of fae's to finish their task. This was Idunn's show, so he would wait for her to give the word as to their next task.

