
My Pirate Treasure

Bowen ♡


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-15-2022, 06:23 PM

Artorias touched the woman and she flinched at first, being pulled back from the sea of memories within her. Glassy, emerald eyes opened and she leaned into the obsidian and azure man, sliding her muzzle under his chin. He couldn't completely understand, but acknowledging the emotions that the situation brought was enough.

The offer to procure a ship for her brought a soft laugh and the woman stood on tiptoe to place a sweet kiss upon her brother's chin. Her voice was soft and there was a tinge of sadness, but even more than that, there was resolve. "You either live on land or on the sea." Sitting on her haunches, the slender fae brought a sable colored paw to either side of the man's  cobalt cheeks. "I fought so hard to come home and home is where I'll remain." One soft padded paw stroked gently across the shorter fur of Artorias' cheek. "With you," she whispered softly. No matter how much she loved the sea, she wouldn't trade it for her brother's love. Though her heart would always have a hole, never seeing him again... it wasn't an option.

The pull of the ship had the lovers parting once more. As Artorias went to inspect the helm upon the sterncastle, Bowen padded up a few steps to inspect the forecastle, leaning out over the with one paw on the bowstrip as support. The crystals were everywhere and she could see them penetrating through the body of the ship. They would have to be careful when they went below deck.

The voice of her brother pulled the woman's attention back from the crystals and she turned to look at him and nodded in response to his question. A natural lightness to her step, Bo leaped over the rail, landing solidly on the deck beside Artorias. Lifting one paw, she pushed open the wooden door and fearlessly moved inside. It took a moment for her eyes to adjust. Though it wasn't pitch black, it was significantly darker than the cavern outside. Moving through, the pair explored the Mates quarter, the galley, a space that looked as though it may have been an infirmary. The deepest level of the ship was difficult to traverse as so many crystals had pushed their way through, making themselves at home. "The brig would have been down here. Storage too."

Skirting up the winding stairwell, Bowen led Artorias to one final room. Her flowing tail pulled along his hip as she pushed open the door to the captains quarters. "The captains quarters are generally always in the same place," she explained. The room itself was large and though time had taken its toll, it had clearly once been richly decorated. Moving into the center of the room, Bowen hesitated for a moment, then turned to fix her viridian gaze upon Artorias. "Artorias," the diminutive fae whispered his name. "I need something from you."

Bowen had spent a great deal of time in the captains quarters and it wasn't exactly spent discussing navigation and the direction of the wind, if you caught her drift. Though those times had once been terrifying, she looked upon them now with a sort of nostalgic fondness. Remembering the lustful moments brought a shudder racing up Bowen's spine and she gave a soft gasp as her shining coat lifted away from her skin momentarily. The woman's eyes opened once more and there was a darkness to them now. Green pools glazed over with lust. Lust that only Artorias could slake.

Slowly she began to move towards him, a predatory look in her eye. "I want you to take me here," she began, her voice rich and low. "I want you to take me harder than you ever have before." Already she could feel a wetness pooling within her. Anticipation and the knowledge that he wouldn't dare deny her... it was a heady thing. Stopping before him, Bowen raised her muzzle, almost touching the man, but not quite. Her muzzle trailed up the side of his neck, her mouth hovering just over the side of his throat. "I want you to be rough," she purred, her breath ruffling azure fur. "I want it to hurt." Maw parting, Bowen ran her tongue over the pulse in her brother's throat, gently, sweetly. Then she bit him, sinking her sharp little teeth into his flesh enough to hurt and possibly enough to draw a bit of blood if he decided to pull away.

Before Artorias could react to the woman's little attack, she was skittering backwards, tossing her pack onto the floor. Bowen was tense and alert, not sure exactly how he would react, but ready for anything. Russet ears flicked forward and she practically pleaded, "Te rog, frate. Fă asta pentru mine."

"Bowen" | "Carpathian"
[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]