
Just You and Me



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
02-15-2022, 06:36 PM
Chimera made her feel just like the goddess he thought she was, the way he handled her like she was made of porcelain and silk. The way he kissed her made her feel like she was the only one in the world, despite reality being so far from that experience. He wouldn’t allow her to feel like the abandoned wretch she once was, he made her a Queen with his own paws in more ways than one. Siren belonged to him, from the very beginning she had but that meant so much more now.

She made him chuckle as she leaned forward to kiss his nose and asked his intentions of her. Siren wore a grin of her own as Chimera flashed his dangerous teeth and assured her there was no end to his desire for her. She was delicate and dainty, her life was put in his paws everytime she gave herself to him. Siren trusted him in every aspect, she did give all of herself to him. Her life was his to protect, or to take.

He had no intention of harming her, his commitment went as far as the way he draped her across his belly. Chimera rolled her on top of him, and she settled against his body. Her stomach pressed to his as she straddled him. Siren was usually a serious woman, but she couldn’t wipe the grin playing on her features as she looked down into Chimera’s handsome features.

Dark paws trailed down her sides to rest on her hips as he guided them against his own. As he pressed against her a soft gasp fell from her pale lips. He created unequaled pleasure in her already, but it only made her want him so much more. His arms around her, the feeling of him inside and out dominated her thoughts. He pulled her forward into a deep kiss, the taste of him flooded her senses along with the subtle hints of her as the flavors melded together. She leaned into his lips, her eyes fluttering closed as she enjoyed every flick of his tongue.

When he pulled away he replaced his kiss with a confession of his love. Siren blinked open heady eyes and flashed her own pearly teeth in return. Breathing him in before mirroring his words. "I love you too, Chimera.” Siren stuttered his name as he took her hips and eased himself into her. She lost her breath, and tensed before her body relaxed against him. She lifted her head, dual silver and sapphire eyes rolled abc and her shoulders slumped as she caught her breath. She wouldn’t take long to recover before her tiny form moved against Chimera’s. Her hips rolled and she pressed into his chest with her tiny paws.

He was everything to her, and for a few moments she could return that love he gave to her so freely. He loved her for who she was, for who she had become, for who she would be. Her gaze met his, her grin still playing on her features. Her hips ground against his, only his name accompanying the unfiltered lyrics of pleasure that fell from her lips. Siren gave him her body in its entirely.

"Chimera & Siren Klien"