



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 07:06 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 07:07 PM by Taurig.)

There was trouble brewing between Glaciem and Valhalla, he knew that much. Isardis had lost the challenge to Chrysanthe and Argent had taken the red king as their prisoner, so it was to be expected that Valhalla didn't exactly feel very warm and cozy towards the Ice Kingdom. But thankfully Taurig wasn't part of that pack anymore. He had his own pack to take care of now and first thing was first; securing alliances. He needed to now that if worst came that he would have another pack that would be able to back him up and vice versa. He wanted to have good relationships with the other packs in Alacritis and what better way than forging an alliance.

The cobalt king wasn't sure what pack lied in the south, but it was one of the most neutral ones around. He would've gone to ludicael, but he had heard rumors that it was currently hanging in the balance of whether the current alpha would stay or not. The titan though it wise to wait until the dust was settled with them before coming to ask for an alliance. Hulking mass traversed the distance between his home and the southern pack within a few hours, somewhat weary frame finally hitting the borders of the southern pack. Pace would be brought to a halt, icy gems dancing over the unfamiliar landscape. The border was overpowering with the many scents of the pack. He had come to the right place. Ebony muzzle was titled towards the heavens, a low baritone erupting from his jaws as he called to the King or any high ranking member within the area. After a moment the cobalt King allowed his call to fade, taking a step back from the borders as he patiently awaited the arrival of someone.

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