
Retirement Plan and a 401K

Artorias, Eska



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
02-16-2022, 01:59 PM
Ulric waited beside Eska for Artorias to appear, the young man coming into the castle grounds from the direction of the neighboring plains. He gave his former mentee a smile and a nod of his head as he approached. He had seen the boy grow up into the man he was now and if there was one thing he wasn't nervous about it was leaving Artorias to lead The Hallows on his own. He was certainly more than capable and had a good head on his shoulders. Artorias got straight to the point after greeting them so Ulric figured he might as well do the same. Beating around the bush would just give him time to second guess himself and he didn't want to do that. He knew this was what he and Eska needed and no matter how difficult it was going to be to distance himself from his children and cut ties with this pack that he had helped with building he had to make himself do what was best for himself for once in his life.

"Thanks for taking some time to talk with us," he began, giving Artorias a thankful smile. "Eska and I have been talking and... we'd like to take our leave from The Hallows." That was the long and short of it. "There is so much of the world I've never seen and we both just want to take some time to be together." He glanced down to Eska with a smile, adding, "I know myself and I won't stop working until I make myself retire and Eska deserves more of my time and attention." Looking back to Artorias, he added, "I would still like to have permission to come and go to spend time with my children as long as they're here, if that's okay with you." They were adults now and he wanted them to live their own lives, but if they needed him he would be here.

Ulric Adravendi