
cool southern breeze



02-16-2022, 04:46 PM

A feminine voice, heavily accented and insistent, piped up from somewhere behind them. A soft grunt of surprise escaped them, and the monochrome wolf turned to see a massive fae looming nearby. She looked perfectly at home amidst the jagged rocks and snow, and her thick fur spoke to a life in the cold- not unlike they and their ilk in this very range. As the question registered in their brain, belatedly of course, they bobbed their head affirmatively. There was still a large icicle clasped in their jaws, which they quickly dropped into the snow to beam impishly at the titanic dame. "Yes, I just got snow in my eyes- didn't expect it!" they rumbled sheepishly, ears tipping back towards their skull for a moment.

"I was just starting to cook dinner, would you like to join?" a quizzical tip of the head, and a gentle wagging of that plush banner against their hocks. The tenets of the clan encouraged sharing and benevolence, which should be extended to any who wandered into their territory. "There's more than enough to share, and it looks like the weather is going to stay clear for the next day or two." they added, partly to stress the lack of imposition by the strange fae, and partly simply for the sake of reassuring her that her journey back down the slopes would be safe the next day if she stuck around.