
Want to play doctor?

Siren <3



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
02-17-2022, 10:22 AM
She knew it would feel like she was just offering Dal the Klein name because she mentioned it. That wasn’t the case at all though, Siren was too humble or maybe too naive to think that just maybe her love would want to share in the family name. To Siren, Dalila was perfect though, it didn’t matter what she called herself all that mattered was who she was. However many ups and downs they experienced the pair of them always returned to one another. Dalila was an essential part of her life, she took care of her, she loved her, and she supported her… no matter what.

Dalila was the only wolf that knew her deepest guilty secret, and she was the only one she would ever trust with it. She was the only one Siren would ever ask to take her Klein name. The tiny Queen gently commanded Dalila’s attention with a paw to her cheek. Dalila’s pale blue eyes met her own dual toned gaze. Siren loved the surprise that appeared over Dal’s features as she made her offer, like she wouldn’t have been eager to share such a title with the one she adored. There were tears in Dalila’s eyes, and the emotions she felt were shared easily when she leaned in to press her lips against Siren’s.

She could feel the love and adoration Dalila held for her through that sweet and passionate kiss. Siren wrapped her arms around Dalila’s neck as her mottled arms held her close. This was where she was meant to be, Dal always belonged in her arms. Her beginnings were difficult and terrible and if Siren could she would have taken those days away from Dal, but they were where they were because of it.

Siren reluctantly let her pull away, and slowly blinked open her silver and sapphire eyes. She grinned into the little affectionate kisses she placed over her soft fur. Tingles raced over her skin and butterflies erupted in her stomach. Dalila already had her heart racing with their heated kiss, but instead of accepting her offer and allowing herself to delve into their desire she explained herself softly. "Dalila…” The woman had to know that she didn’t have to do anything for Siren. She already showed her love in their everyday actions.

"I want to give you my name because you deserve it.” She tried to tell her, "I’m sorry that… I’m sorry I’m so obtuse sometimes.” She offered softly, finding her gaze lowering to Dal’s chest as she had trouble keeping her gaze through her confession. "I should have offered it to you a long time ago.” No matter what Dal or Chimera thought about her, Siren always saw herself as selfish. She was always thinking about herself. Like right now, how the thought hadn’t even occurred to her to offer something so precious to Dalila.
