
burn through the witches



13+ Years
Dragon Mod

The Ooze ParticipantFamousChristmas 2019Treat 2019Promptober 2019
10-01-2013, 08:32 PM

Soreness and pain enveloped the young girl as she struggled to rise. She had been enveloped in darkness for...well she could no longer tell. It had felt like a long time, when in reality, had been about a week or so. She had no idea of the goings on in the outside world, no contact with anyone except for the beating she would receieve every now and then. A few times she had retaliated in feared anger, nipping her sharp canines at the paws and legs of her assailants. She was sure she left a good bite or two on her attackers, though they retaliated with that much more force.

A blinding light would enter her prison as a door opened before her, whoever had opened her prison simply said a brief order before disappearing. Avalon had heard the howl, and she was sure it belonged to the demon witch Canttina. The one who had captured her and brought her into this miserable place. She wanted to run, to go home and be with her family...but with the injury that the beast had given her when she tried to run hurt like hell, and she was unable to run. She hobbled out, favoring her hind leg as she moved into the bright sun, the snow on the ground reflected brightly. Was it winter already? How long had she been locked up? This terrified her.

It didn't take long for her to find the gathering wolves, and there in the center was the devil herself...the one who robbed her of life. Avalon's once shining fur was now dull and ragged patches, threatening to fall in small clumps here and there. Her smaller body bleeding and covered in bruises unseen. She limped to the back of the crowd, trying to keep her body low and avoiding eye contact with the strangers that surrounded. What was this? What happened while she was locked up? She was sure to find out soon...she stared past the wolves bodies, staring straight at the skulled woman who brought her here. Though her body was beaten, her spirit still remained strong...and it showed in her eyes.



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