
Bad Choices



3 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - Gay (MLM)Samhain 2022All Oozed OutOoze ImmuneThe Ooze ParticipantMammoth Hunter
02-17-2022, 11:29 PM


Malachai was upset. He hadn't seen Grim in some days, hadn't shared a den with him in some days, and though Malachai wouldn't admit it he was lonely. So maybe he owed Grimshaw an apology, for snapping at him, for not listening. So he'd gone looking for the darker boy, had done his very best to track the boy down... And then he'd found Grimshaw was gone, had left very shortly after their fight and Malachai was upset. He stalked back towards Ashen, only just barely managing to make it across the borderlines when he felt himself bubble over. He growled and took a swipe at the ground, digging a gouge into the soft earth. He hadn't even been told! Of course if he'd been paying attention the night of their fight he would have known this was happening but those words had managed to slip through his tired brain, as he'd tried instead just to sleep.

Malachai was angry, he was frustrated... He was hurt. A terrible thought entered the young Klein's mind and he dug out the mushroom he'd gotten towards the end of the endless night. Maybe if he ate it the mysterious figure would show up and Malachai could demand Grim be brought before him. He stepped out of his den, eyed the fungus, and then feeling a surge of anger spurring him other, whether it was idiocy or bravery he would never know, and he snatched the mushroom up and swallowed it whole.

Art by Shirohoru
[Image: eqRWCiM.gif]
Updated 04/30/23: Still on indefinite scarcity, please do not remind me of threads I am behind on right now.