
How far we've come




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
02-18-2022, 07:56 PM

Settling into this relationship with Dalila had been surprisingly easy. It was as though she was always meant to be one of his queens and somehow, he knew it. He'd always known it. Even before Dalila admitted that she was his, she belonged to him. It was good to have them both on the same page about the matter. Apparently all it had taken was the mottled woman getting drunk during her heat and him being a little more understanding and less of an aggressive ass. Now Dalila was right where she belonged; with him.

The invitation was given for him to join her and he hesitated only a moment, thinking about getting the furs wet, but eventually he moved and sprawled out beside the crystal crowned fae. Chimera made himself comfortable, stretching out on his long, taut stomach, both forelegs and one hind leg extended fore and aft. His damp tail brushed lazily back and forth over that extended hind leg as Dalila fetched a meal for them. The cooked meats smelled delicious. Some wolves preferred their meat raw, others preferred theirs cooked. Chimera just preferred meat in any form, though he would admit that cooked meat smelled much, much better.

Once the platter of meat was placed before him, Dal kissed his cheek, eliciting a pleased rumble from the giant brute. He watched her walk away again, his pale pink eye fixed on her shapely rump before the smell of the meat became too enticing and his stomach roared. He popped a piece into his maw, rows of serrated teeth turning the morsel into mincemeat. The man released a pleased moan as he ate, not having eaten that morning. He'd also skipped lunch today, being fully immersed in his work. Chimera ate a few more pieces of meat, watching as Dalila returned with something in her paws.

The mottled fae seated herself beside him and began running a piece of fabric over his still wet fur. Rather than just try to dry him off, the woman was pushing into the sore muscles of his back. Food forgotten, Chi pushed the platter away with one big paw, stretching out to enjoy the impromptu massage. For the second time today, Chimera released a groan of satisfaction. He hadn't known how much he needed a massage, but Dalila's skillful paws were letting him know how hard he'd worked today.

Dal asked him what he'd been working on as she stopped drying him off. He frowned a little as the action ceased, but she was once again beside him and took up one large, ebony dipped paw which she then began to work with her own paw. If she kept that up, she was going to lull him to sleep for sure. "I was working on your garden," the man spoke softly since they were so close. "I noticed that deer and other things had been getting into it, so I built a fence." He hadn't been asked to do so, he'd simply taken it upon himself. The garden benefitted them all and needed to be protected. Aside from that... he enjoyed doing nice things for those that he cared about. Dalila was now within that group.

"Chimera Klein"

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.