
Want to play doctor?

Siren <3



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
02-19-2022, 11:43 PM

Siren dispelled her worries that she had accidentally pressured her sweet, wonderful Queen into offering her the Klein name when she spoke gently, telling her that she did want to give her the name. She smiled gently as Siren called herself obtuse and said that she should have given it to her long ago, but Dalila just gave a little shake of her head. Her paw lightly held Siren's chin to lift her pretty gaze up to hers again, her lips gently brushing across Siren's while she continued to hold her tight. "Everything happens when it should," she insisted. She may not always have agreed or enjoyed the aspects of her life that happened outside of her control, but she did believe that things happened for a reason and right at the time that they should. If Siren had offered her the name before now she wouldn't have felt worthy. Even now she questioned if she really, truly deserved it, but she felt more prepared to carry such a name than she ever had.

Dalila pressed her lips to Siren's again with a heated passion and love, her paw slipping away from Siren's chin to brush her cheek and comb her claws through the long, silky fur that framed her face. She had come to understand that Siren wasn't as flawless and perfect as she had once thought, but she loved her even more because of it. Siren wasn't perfect, but she was perfect for her and that's what mattered. With the new crystal growths and headache long forgotten, Dalila kissed Siren deeply and passionately, her forelegs slipping around Siren's slender waist and holding them so that their stomachs were pressed together, tasting her love on her tongue as her pale gaze flickered closed, savoring everything about this wonderful wolf that gave her a whole new reason to live and strive to be better each and every day.

Maybe she didn't have any physical items to shower Siren with and maybe she couldn't do something as meaningful as give her a name for them to share, but she could love her endlessly and unconditionally and she could show her how much she loved her with the affections she showered her with. Gently breaking away from their kiss after a few long, savoring moments, her heavy lidded eyes blinked open to look into Siren's for a moment before a grin pulled at her lips. She started a trail of adoring kisses down Siren's delicate muzzle, across her cheek and steadily working her way down Siren's neck with kisses and nibbles along her pale skin. Every fiber of her being was craving her, desperate to show her how much she loved her in the only way she knew how.

As she neared the base of Siren's neck, Dalila shifted her paws so that she could hold herself over Siren as she rolled them on the large bed so that Siren was on her back under her and she continued savoring and worshiping every flawless part of Siren's delicate frame. She left kisses and light nibbles all the way across her chest and stomach, occasionally catching her fur delicately between her teeth. Meanwhile, her paws traced over Siren's sides, showering her with all of the love and attention her sweet Queen deserved. Every affection wound up the heat and desire in her own core and with each passing moment she only wanted more and more.

"Dalila Vista Klein"