
The time has come for blood to spill



5 Years
Extra large
10-01-2013, 10:56 PM (This post was last modified: 10-01-2013, 11:01 PM by Taurig.)

His move with his shoulder was successful as he rammed into Ozz's right armpit, a growl of pain his reward. Her forelimbs would be pulled off his shoulder, averting any hold she could've taken on him from the neck. His snapping jaws would find purchase on her left side, daggers digging into the pliable flesh of her underbelly, drawing blood. He could feel her steady herself above him before she launched her own attack of retaliation. Her head would snap towards the right side of his face, looking to take a bite out of his right eye. But the titan wasn't going to make it that easy for her. To avoid getting his eye gauged out, the cobalt King would push himself forward by a step, his right forepaw outstretched for balance. Ozz's teeth met his right cheek, just below his ear instead of his eye, fangs piercing the flesh to draw blood just as from his shoulder. A hiss of pain would slip past his clamped jaws but he wouldn't let the pain hold him back or distract him. Her aim towards his forelimbs would be easily evaded with a simple lift of the paw, bringing his mammoth paw down hopefully on her own toes, looking to bruise, possibly sprain some toes.

Icy gems would remain narrowed, scarred ears tucked flat against his skull as the titan would twist his head to the right, jaws splayed wide and ready, looking to take a bite out of her neck or at least get a good hold on her. Haunches would remained tensed, knees bent for balance, toes spread, talons dug into the soil for traction. Plume would be half tucked between his legs in case any attempts were made towards it. Shoulders remained rolled forward, cobalt coat rolled over his neck for added protection, hoping that his bite would hit.

Taurig vs Ozz for Poppy

Round 2 of 3

Defense:Icy gems would remain narrowed, scarred ears tucked flat against his skull. Haunches would remained tensed, knees bent for balance, toes spread, talons dug into the soil for traction. Plume would be half tucked between his legs in case any attempts were made towards it. Shoulders remained rolled forward, cobalt coat rolled over his neck for added protection, hoping that his bite would hit.

Attack: the titan would twist his head to the right, jaws splayed wide and ready, looking to take a bite out of her neck or at least get a good hold on her. bringing his mammoth paw down hopefully on her own toes, looking to bruise, possibly sprain some toes.

Injuries: Scratches across the back of his neck and across the side of his right cheek


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