
The Summer Bonfire Festival

For Hallows wolves and ALL Carpathians


The Hallows
Chief Physician

Master Healer (266)

Master Intellectual (260)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

6 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Double MasterPride - Demisexual
02-22-2022, 02:02 AM

She had felt strangely antsy since she returned from going to see Ysmir in her brief stint away from the pack. It was almost as if now that the door had been reopened for her she wanted to just keep going through it. She missed the Fireside male whenever they were away from one another, but she tried to keep herself from going back too soon. She didn't want to feel needy or clingy on him. There was also a small part of her that hoped that if he did really want to see her and be with her then maybe he'd come to visit her instead and they'd take turns making the trip like she had suggested. For now she tried to keep herself busy as much as possible to keep herself from thinking about it too much. It was what she always did, making herself productive and useful to avoid confronting things she didn't know how to address.

She was in the middle of restocking some of the herbs in the storage they had in the infirmary separate from the larger pharmacy, the things that they usually needed to keep on paw at all times, when she heard Artorias calling for them. She stopped in the middle of putting away from marigold flowers, her ears flicking uncertainly. She had forgotten about the bonfire he had been planning and she very quickly tried to clean herself up a bit, smoothing out her fur and straightening up the circlet that sat on her brow. Eilwen shooed her out the door before she could try to find a reason to not go and she sighed as she walked out of the castle and out toward the plains.

There was plenty of familiar faces—some more familiar than others and some that she hadn't seen in a long time, but were still familiar all the same. She spotted Grimshaw's dark frame and blinked with surprise and was maybe even more surprised to see Daphne sitting near her adopted brother. She hadn't seen either of them in an age and she wondered what Artorias had done to get them here for their celebration. She hesitated toward the outskirts for a moment before finding herself a spot somewhere that was close enough to the gathering crowd that she could say she was attending and was with the others without feeling overwhelmed by the crowd. She smiled gently, looking over toward where Artorias was standing with Briar near the wood that would eventually be their bonfire and waited for it to begin.

"Gwynevere Carpathius"