
sweetest things


10-02-2013, 12:43 AM

This was her first winter alone and it seemed that the loneliness was setting in a quickly as the cold. Though today wasn't particularly cold and the sun shone brightly against the stark white snow the last few nights had been brutally cold. The slender female was used to being alone, actually since she had last seen Talon she had pretty much avoided all other life. She had found a den in the hull of a great cave made out of some strange material she had never seen before. But it had cut the wind and served as a fun place to explore for a time before a pack had decided to move in and claim the space as it's own. Just before winter Kangi had been kicked out of her home, well not literally but the young girl had slipped off as soon as she had heard the voices of the approaching wolves and a few days later she had returned to find the new scent of a pack in her old home. The young girl had left soon after that, dejected and a bit worried. She had moved further north, following the wall she had met Talon on last and then heading towards the frozen lake. But the north didn't offer a whole lot of shelter and she had spent the last few nights digging holes in the snow and making a makeshift shelter for herself.

Talon had spoken of a pack he had joined last time she had seen him, asked her to go and live with him even... She had tried instead to get him to come out into the wild and join her but in the end he had declined and looking back at it now she realized that that had been a bad idea. It was hard on her own, she had gone almost a week without a successful hunt at one point, she had grown weaker and weaker which made the hunts harder and harder. What had saved her was pure luck, she had followed a crow to a carcass of a deer that had broken its leg it seemed and died naturally. There were crows everywhere, scavengers who were unable to to get into the body without some sharp fangs to help them. Kangi had ripped into every inch of flesh and then settled near the haunches to eat. The crows had fluttered down one by one to join her after realizing she wasn't hostile. And so she had shared the meal with her namesake. That had been the day that she realized that she maybe needed to find a pack or someone else to help her out. But it wasn't until today that she realized that she might as well carry through with that plan.

But would Talon's pack be the right one for her?

She was nervous, she realized this as she slid slowly closer to to the boarders the had long ago discovered and had long since avoided. Teeth chewed at her lip idly as slender limbs dragged through the snow, head handing slightly and large ears folded to her skull. The young girl wasn't quite sure why she was here, she knew she wanted to see Talon, maybe even meet this lady taking care of him but she was almost scared about being so close to this packs territory. When she was younger she had wandered across Sercia's boarders without thinking, later learning that their could have been consequences. As she had grown older her caution of packs had grown even more. But here she was, willingly approaching the boarders of a pack. She slowed to only a few steps a minute as she caught the first wiff of the pack scent here. She didn't want to get too close. So she stopped a couple hundred yards away and tipped her head back, calling for Talon and Euph. As she cut the howl off, though, she shifted nervously where she stood, eyes darting back and forth like a trapped animal. Why did she have such a bad feeling about this?
