
dinner and a surprise



3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
02-22-2022, 05:12 PM

When he reasserted his vow to never let her go, Lillith returned the same soft-spoken promise to him, warming Romulus’ heart while he felt himself getting lost in her glassy garnet eyes, looking more like the gemstones they took after now than ever before. Lillith’s unending and undying love for him was what kept Roman’s confidence in them alive. Together they could overcome any challenges they faced. All they needed was each other; so long as they stuck together, nothing in the world could beat them. He leaned into her dainty white paw when she reached up to stroke his cheek, squeezing her limber body in his strong forearms around her waist.

"These pups are gonna be little heartstoppers and lady killers, y’know, with all he good genes they’ll be getting. The world won’t be ready for them," he said, continuing their playful banter around their growing family. He grinned his signature crooked, roguish grin to his perfect lover, reaching a paw up to gently boot the end of her nose with a couple digits. "Not mistakes. Accidents," Roman corrected her gently, then slowly slid his paw back down Lil’s body to rest over her lower belly, as if he could already feel their children growing within her. "I knew I wanted everything with you already. I wanted to get married, go on all sorts of adventures, start a family together. It’s just happening a little out of order from what I imagined." His paw rubbed slow, comforting circles over her belly, tickling through her belly fur with his slate-dipped toes. "But they’re not a mistake. They’re our beautiful little surprises."

Roman didn’t know how Lillith felt about this entire situation now that they were sobering to the fact of it, but now that she’d confirmed she wanted to keep their children, all the Armada man could think of was the gorgeous family he’d get to start raising with the love of his life. He couldn’t bring himself to think of his puppies as mistakes. They were a part of her, a part of him. They would be perfect and he would love them. His surprise family, but still wholly and completely his.
