
Round Two

Rune I


5 Years
10-02-2013, 01:22 AM
Walk | Talk | Think

Of all those he had anticipated answering his summons for a spar, his aunt had never once crossed his mind. He had always assumed her busy wherever she was, possibly even with Morphine in whatever location the once-Tortugan Imperial had disappeared to. She had shown a strong loyalty when they had been part of a pack together, though he was still unsure just how strongly those ties held now that their pack was no more. Still, when he saw the red figure slowly drifting toward him across the distance, faint at first and coming into slow focus the closer she got, he immediately felt better, a touch happier at recognizing her. How many others sported such a red coat like that? Only the one relation to him, as far as he was aware.

He stood waiting at attention as the golden eyed female drifted nearer, catching the smile upon her face and feeling a slow answering one start to form upon his lips. He had always had a good relationship with his aunt, even with as distant as she tended to be going about her own business. Perhaps it was the fact she was not a parent and therefore not a heavily authoritative figure that allowed him to feel relaxed around her, but whatever the case his tail still wagged in a subtle but friendly greeting to let Viridiana know he was happy to see her after their time apart.

She seemed pleased to see him, and he returned the sentiments. "It's good to see you too, Aunt Vi," he answered, using the shortened nickname he had grown used to referring to her as, even when she was not around. To his surprise, she teased his father's training and promptly offered her own, with only the stipulation that the scarring be left to a minimum, meaning none at all. The edges of his lips twitched slightly at the remark, hinting that he wished to smile wider with amusement though he would refrain from it. He had always noted that Viridiana kept herself in an impeccable appearance, rarely ever disheveled or dirty, but he had not known her vanity to go so far as to abhor scars as well. He nodded slowly to buy himself a moment to ensure he was composed when he spoke and answered with assurance, "No scars." How could he possibly pass up an opportunity to train with family for a simple stipulation as this?

He had not yet set himself into the proper stance, still relaxed and comfortable as he stood across from the red woman, but at the mention of their home he felt himself tense just a little. Ears perked forward, Rune's pale blue eyes became suddenly more intense, the smile about his face taking on a sudden subtle rigidity. Our home pack? It had been so long since he had heard news about Tortuga, since they had been disbanded seasons ago. He had no idea what the new leader was currently doing to his old stomping ground, the resting place of his mother, the home that had been stolen from him. Of course, he could not possibly wait until after their spar for the news of their old pack, and so answered with forced patience, "What about our home pack?"