
The Usual (Post-Raid Healing)



Advanced Healer (90)

Advanced Fighter (70)

11 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
02-22-2022, 09:41 PM

At least the young Aegis managed to hold on to his sense of humour in the moment, which was an admirable trait. Artorias assured him that he had no interest in maiming himself for the sake of getting straight back into training, to which a quiet grunt and nod of satisfaction was all the brute offered. The young man was ambitious, but he seemed smart enough to follow doctor's orders at the very least. It was just a little amusing to watch the large male take a tumble from the cot, the partially numbed leg uncooperative when he tried to make use of it. It was in the midst of the Aegis' awkward hobble towards one of the supply tables that the tiny, skinny fae in charge stopped to examine the cosmic healer's handiwork. Amaranth eyes narrowed slightly, instinctively reacting to the scrutiny of a stranger. The expression quickly flattened back into one of aloof observation, tracking the movements of the dainty she wolf and his patient as they both moved about.

When the unfamiliar fae approached, she grunted out curt praise of his work before offering a few words of warning to Artorias that echoed those that the titan had only just imposed upon the young brute. It took a great deal of effort to curb the smirk that threatened to spread over his features. Here was the big bad Aegis of the Hallows, being chided by a pair of old healers as though he were merely a child. The monochrome dame leaned closer towards him, and the giant leaned down somewhat to better hear her softly spoken recommendations for further treatments. Mostly to combat swelling, potential infection.. and then she slipped a small, leaf bound package closer to his massive paw. Folding his outer toes over the edge of the bundle, he made a point to lift it up to his nose. Ah, the smell was distinctive enough to not need further inspection. Cannabis buds were perfect for managing pain without leaving the patient comatose- unless they were overprescribed, at least. This time, he met her bemused wink with a lopsided grin and replaced his paw on the ground.

As she wandered off to check on the rest of the healers and their progress, the celestial male directed a knowing grin towards the Aegis. "These are exactly what I was going to give you, actually." he commented, thick tail thumping lightly against the stone floor. The sapphire male had already done the work of slipping his injured foreleg into a sling to keep the stitches from being jostled, saving Deion the effort of helping him get into it. "Once you are comfortable in your room, take a few of these. You'll still feel some of the pain, but you're going to find that you don't really care about it. If you don't have plans for tomorrow, perhaps a bit of whiskey is in order as well." he explained, all without shaking that knowing, amused smirk of his. He'd been younger than the Aegis when he'd first tried mixing drugs with alcohol, and it had been the most jarring experience of his life. That time, he'd also been celebrating a raiding victory with his comrades. Why not impart some of those old traditions on the Aegis? If it was a bad trip, then at least he would never make the mistake again. If he enjoyed it, then he would find unwinding at the end of a long day to suddenly be a much easier feat..

The titan got to his paws, plodding a few steps closer to Artorias. From there, he tucked the package into an open pocket at the top of the sling, against the side of the injured leg but away from the freshly treated wound. A quick glance about the room told him that he wasn't needed for any other patients, and so he shook out his coat and let out a small sigh. "You can send for me if you need anything, but I'll be going back to bed now." he announced, and lumbered out of the room without much further ado. The job was done, and there was still time in the night to get some more rest.
