
Tangled Up in Your Soul


10-02-2013, 03:13 AM

White tipped toes would crunch down on the first fallen snowflakes. Winter had approached, and accompanying the new season would be a thicker and shaggier coat for Drake. With his old pack residing on the beach, the pelts of the Aquarion line were always thick and sleek with multi-layered fur to protect from the cold water and other elements. He shook his coat free of flakes, the now half frozen water rushing underneath the already forming ice. He stopped for a moment, leaning down to take a drink of the ice cold liquid before continuing on. Several more minutes of traveling alongside the water route brought him to a familiar scent. Instantly, his ears perked and his eyes grew bright and hopeful. He recognized the scent to belong to none other then the slender woman with the moon silver eyes.

Eagerly, he ran forward to see if his nose held true. Sure enough, there she was in all her beautacious glory. Aurora...the white dame whose pelt shone like the moon in its light, and whose silver eyes had already seemed to captivate him. He adored the shining of her eyes in the moonlight, it was different and gave her an etherreal look. With a happy bark, he greeted her. His black dipped tail wagging gently behind him as he stopped a few feet away from her. "Aurora! Oh, it's so nice to see you again! How are you doin'?" he asked happily. His accented greeting coming out with excitement. He was definitely happy to see her again, and this time in different conditions then last they met.
