
there was a great big moose, he liked to drink a lot of juice




Master Intellectual (375)

Master Hunter (370)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipDouble MasterThe Ooze Participant
02-24-2022, 07:53 AM

A flurry of legs and massive bodies beside her go tumbling toward the ground. Her eyes catch Vidarr lunging toward the sickly calf in hurried movements. Something in her confirms itself that Vidarr really is a beast not to be messed with. The amount of power and strength it took to even level with a moose calf was an entity all on its own. Impressed, Celeste moved into action without another thought. Swinging her hind end around as her paws skidded along the dirt, her furless body lunges forward. Opening her mouth wide with ears pinned back, the petite girl dances over the flailing body of the calf.

Reaching forward and landing a firm hold on the calf's throat, just beneath the part where its head connected to his neck, she bites down. Blood fills her mouth, warm and sticky, as she tenses her muscles. Standing firm on all four paws, she thrashes her own body to help break open more skin as blood splashes onto her legs. She can feel its heartbeat stutter and slowly start to fade away as her eyes watch the calf's eyes flutter and go still. Every breath is labored as she draws in air. Exhaustion settles into her as the adrenaline seeps away. This had been a good hunt, even somewhat of an easy one.

Once she knew the calf would not move anymore, she releases her hold and licks at her bloody lips before looking over to Vidarr. "Good hunt, ol' boy," she chirps with a wag of her tail that has uncurled itself from between her legs. "Before you go asking questions. Yes, I'm alright. The whole fur thing was a misunderstanding with a cloaked fellow," her smile is wide as she sits down next to their kill. "I might have even found myself a hunky boy to live with for the time being. Not sure if he'll keep me around, there's this other girl he seems to like just as much," her shoulders shrug, fending off any hurt feelings she might have about it.

Celeste Akizora