
The wonderful world of Ozz


10-02-2013, 05:50 AM

The french women gave a 'hmm' as the dame spoke of the other, of whom has thrown a fir due to losing the pack she had once been in, let alone lost due to her foolishness in handing it over to a much weaker dame of whom couldn't readily hold her own in a fight much less keeping her crown in a pack. It had been nothing short of pathetic. Weaklings didn't deserve to rule, no, they were better off dead or groveling at her feet; not above her. "Herbs tend to do that." Not saying much afterwards the french women followed Ozz with a flick of an ear. Wondering indeed, just what she had in mind to hunt.

But the scent of deer soon came into focus before too long, clicking that tongue against the roof her mouth; she let Ozz take the lead and head forward before she would follow through. The ashy form of Morgana shot out from the shadows, those jaws clamping around the deers neck as she pulled it downward to the ground. The quicker it was taken down the better; keeping her hold on the throat she only tightened to further cut off the air supply as the animal struggled.