
Pool Party



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
02-24-2022, 04:58 PM
Noir hated being in the eastern lands but he couldn't help his paws carrying him back to the hot springs. They were one of his favorite places. The springs themselves were an attraction worth returning for, but better than that was the bodies already dipped in the warm water. He was almost never alone when he wandered here. The last had been, of course, Duchess. The woman was always where he was. It was unintentional he knew, and there was never a complaint when he was in her presence.

The blue striped man had much to think about lately, he felt like he found himself at a crossroads he never anticipated. He was loathe to spend the mental energy on everything he had been avoiding for most of his life. So the trip towards the springs made sense. He wanted to find someone to give him the attention that would distract him from the heavy memories that had no place in his mind. His massive form slipped through the forest that surrounded the Springs and his attention was grabbed by the tiny purple pink form that flittered on the ledge.

The Destruction man assumed he was watching a woman prepare her tub, and blue and lavender eyes didn’t hesitate in their appreciation of soft curves and long fur. There was an instant interest and Noir continued to watch as she finally lowered herself into the warm waters. By now he could smell the florals that rehydrated in the heated waters. Noir chose that moment to emerge from the forests.

He didn’t hide the way his gaze lingered on the small wolf’s features, what he really wanted was attention, physical if he could manage it, but really the distraction was his ultimate goal. ”Don’t you look comfortable.” His voice rumbled from deep in his chest. ”And lonely.” Noir added somewhat suggestively.