
Free Border Patrol




Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
02-24-2022, 08:05 PM (This post was last modified: 02-24-2022, 09:06 PM by Chade. Edited 1 time in total.)

Chade had already been turning planning to take on the next coyote, leaving the other to deal with its injuries but then spotted Relm holding it down.  He’d get to it right after he took the next healthy coyote nearby! Chade was shifting his weight about to charge the coyote moving in his direction but then saw the other coyote biting Relm while she held down the coyote!

Chade was shocked and spun, kicking dirt up with his hind paws at the coyote he had planned to attack, “Swift!”  Hopefully, the wary cheetah would come in upon request.  Chade lunged back into where Relm was and sunk his teeth into the Coyote's neck, jerking his head up with the coyote still firmly lodged in his jaws.  Blood spewed and Chade dropped the soon-to-be if not already corpse.

Swift ran to the coyote who was shaking its head to get the dirt out of its eyes, she bit at the coyote's neck but the moment the coyote faced her she let go and backed off.  She was young, inexperienced, and nervous.  However, she had done what Chade needed which was be a good distraction.  

Chade’s hate-filled eyes were focused on the coyote who had attacked a member of his pack.  He would of gladly killed it first but Relm could kill it herself now that the one was dead.  Swift was backing up with hesitation as the coyote neared him.  The boy needed to give Swift more fighting lessons.  The blue wolf ran to slam his body into the coyotes, his teeth grabbing onto one of the coyote’s legs, crunching down.  The coyote swung its head away from swift to try and bite chade but he dropped the coyote's leg and backed up.

Chade glanced over to Swift.  Fighting lesson time, “He’s injured.  C’mon.”  Yes, the coyote was hurt and would probably not enjoy the next few minutes as it would become practice for Swift on how to kill.  Chade would help if needed.  That said Chade's gaze flicked back to make sure Relm was fine.  

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