
I Stilla Natt

barghest <3



6 Years

02-25-2022, 12:55 AM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2022, 01:34 AM by Sanngriðr. Edited 1 time in total.)
Something strange, something tense hangs in the air between them. It's ever so strange and yet... well, the valkyrie can't bring herself to hate it. Comfortable. Sanngriðr can be comfortable with him, sure, but not vulnerable. Not vulnerable yet. To be vulnerable would only spell danger. Vulnerability meant danger, and it had for far too long. It would continue to. No, it wasn't until they were in a much different station in this place that they could even dream of vulnerability not being grave danger to every single one of them. Soon, but not yet. Soon. Even when there was less danger to the vulnerability, would she be able to show that side? Would she allow herself? There were too many questions, and only time would tell. By the gods, only time would tell.

At least it seemed that they had time here. There was less danger, more... more of something else. Time as a concept had Sanngriðr feeling strange. How old was she now? Her fourth spring had come and gone. It would be her siblings' birthday the coming autumn, just before the season ticked over into winter. Four years, and still she was out here unattached. The only bonds that the valkyrie had were those of blood. Maybe that was among the reasons that Bodin was so interesting to her.

She'd always been happy on her own... what had changed? It wasn't even that she was unhappy now-- save for the unrest that crept in, as it often did during times of peace. No, it wasn't that the valkyrie would have thrown herself at anyone's feet. This was specific to the man that now stood by her side. "I can handle myself," the words themselves may be a bit sharp, but her tone remains neutral. It's simply a reminder that she's more than capable of handling herself and she doesn't need him... but her smile speaks volumes. It glimmers in the low light of the moon, and says what her words don't. I'm glad you're here.

His question is a fair one, and it doesn't catch Sanngriðr off guard. She considers for a moment, but has no reason to tell him anything other than the truth. "Mardröm--" shit was the word. The valkyrie pursed her lips for a moment as she spoke, looking out to the woods before her. "Bad dreams," she finally sorted out the phrase, at least well enough. It happened to her far less than it did her brother, but there were still words in the common tongue that eluded her. Her tone never wavers from neutrality, and Sanngriðr would do her best to play it off like they didn't bother her so much. It's easy to be less bothered, after all, because she knows the source. She knows why they happen. "And you?" Maybe, hopefully, her honesty would bring about some from Bodin as well.

They move together, and the valkyrie matches his longer stride with some effort. Still, it was nice to be in step with someone else... someone who wasn't her brother. Putting down roots here would mean that she needed to let someone, anyone else in. The scent of the bear mingles with the scent of blood, and a pit forms in her stomach. Bodin wasn't wrong, and Sanngriðr held her breath for a moment. The bear had taken down a wolf of its own tonight. They needed to end it, and it would take both of them to do so. Sanngriðr had come out tonight looking for a fight, and a fight she would get. By the gods it was a fight she'd get. "We go together." There's resolve in her tone, nodding once as she looks to Bodin. Her jaw was set, gaze alight. Yes, this was the fight she wanted. Already, Sanngriðr was tense and ready to make a run in the direction of the predator.
