
dinner and a surprise



2 Years

The Ooze Participant
02-25-2022, 11:56 AM (This post was last modified: 02-25-2022, 12:11 PM by Lillith. Edited 1 time in total.)
Lillith meant what she said, the world wasn’t the same without Roman beside her. She really did feel like he was her other half, her soul mate. They were meant to be together. Lil never loved anyone like she loved Romulus, the emotion was deep and all consuming. He made her laugh, he comforted her tears, Roman made her feel so loved every moment they spent together. There wasn’t anyone else she wanted to make her partner in life, he enhanced her good qualities. He helped her with the ones she struggled with and she wouldn’t be the same without him.

He squeezed her tight and told her what they would have to expect from the children that were on their way. Beautiful children that the world couldn’t possibly be ready for. Lil chuckled along with him, and she couldn’t agree more. He booped her nose, gently correcting her fearful mindset. This was no mistake, unintended but never a mistake. Her eyes continued to glisten but she smiled and nodded along. Roman shifted his slate dipped paws to gently rub her belly, where their children were beginning to grow.

The confession of his original plan and how this only disrupted his timeline not his plans. This was everything they wanted together, just a little sooner than intended. He tickled her bely and Lil grinned up at him, overwhelmed by the shift from terror to joy. He told her they were instead perfect surprises and Lillith felt her love surge for him even greater than a moment before. She didn’t think it was possible but every day he made her love him more. "I.. want all of that too." Her grin was pure and untainted by the negativity she had been surrounded with at first.

She was crying for fear earlier but as she gazed up at Roman happy tears filled her garnet gaze. "They are, aren’t they?” She spoke warmly as she shifted a tiny white paw to Roman’s chin half guiding him into a kiss. "Our surprises.” A beautiful combination of the two of them, of their bodies and their hearts. After Lillith spoke she leaned forward to press her lips to his. The father of her children, her mate, her everything.
