
Black and Gold



10-02-2013, 08:28 AM
If there was anything that Chrysanthe would have trouble with, it was the way that her brother presented himself toward Valhalla as a whole. She may know that he had nothing but the pack's best interest in his head, swimming among the trechery Syrinx was a completely loyal creature, even if he wasn't as good as the majority of his family. His words meant not that he would cause discord and calamity, but that he would bring power to this peaceful wall that Valhalla had lived behind for so long.

Translating him would be the death of her - for eventually she would get him wrong.

But for now she had no reason not to trust him, would listen to his words without judgement. It was a plan, a strategy, one that she turned over within her own mind as his voice cut through the air. It created a tension, but honestly the plan was not a bad one - and even though he lacked any sort of filter or sugar coating, he was right. Isardis would not relent, and it was time to rally together and act as a unit while they had the element of surprise on their side. "There are few times when the element of surprise is on one's side. Syrinx is right - if we strike first, and strike hard, we can end this before it begins." It had been her fault, she had not noticed Valhalla had brought more than its five, and Seraphine could not blame herself, as Sephiroth had admitted to lingering and Erani had marched in like she owned the damn field. She had not stopped Gideon from speaking badly of their enemy, yet at the same time if he had not defended himself as per her own orders he would have been immediately claimed.

But she could not wither under the weight of her responsibility.

"We will be attacked again and again if we take this sitting down. All given a gamma rank must attend training. Any that want to watch or participate are welcome as well." She wondered just what she could learn from her brother in the art of war - he seemed to have a better instinct for it than she did. "If you have any questions, you may ask them - but if not, this meeting is adjourned." They were free to leave or speak with her should they have concerns. She would do her best to quell what she could, but she could not change that war was on the horizon.