
Big Brothers vs Gifts



"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-25-2022, 11:31 PM
Cerberus continued to paint the handles of the blades, only briefly looking up to see Albion not struggling but maybe a little uncomfortable with sharpening the blades by himself. He didn't say anything. Instead looking towards Moccasin in silence as if the dog could read his mind. Moc joined beside Albion, putting his paw over the sharpening stone to get his attention and pull the whetstone from him. Moc tilted the bit of the blade where the handle would go and suggested with his paws and eyes to have Albion hold it upright how he needed it to sharpen.

Once the blade was sharp enough, Moc demonstrated by dipping the nub end of the blade in a glue like substance before handing it off to Albion and pointing to one of the handles that Cerberus had already painted. While Albion put the two pieces together, Moc started sharpening the next blade. He would seek Albion's help if he wasn't paying attention to hold the next blade up at an angle and he was fine with his place here among the boys.

Cerberus had set out all of the handles that didn't have blades that he had painted and looked back to see what all Albion and Moc had done. He was happy to see the progress, looking at each of the blades colored specially for his siblings and marked with a letter of their own. He finally moved over to the final blades that were already connected to the handles. With Albion and Moc working together, Cerberus started sharpening these blades before going to paint and mess with the handles. There were fewer of these and as he inspected them he decided which he would give to Chimera.

Once all the blades were sharpened he moved back over to the painting station. Albion was still free to paint or add anything he wanted to the knives, Cerberus didn't mind at all. He went to finish painting the final daggers and set them out to dry with the rest. Once they were all finished, he felt this overwhelming sense of pride and he couldn't wait to present them to their father. Cerberus nudged Albion with a large thankful smile before gathering the dry knives into a basket so they could transport them to a special room near the stores. He had been working on cleaning up the closet but keeping the knives in there for now would be alright.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1522 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

"Cerberus Klein"