
bringa ätlingarna hem




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

02-26-2022, 05:36 AM
Tove was the next wolf to arrive, though she sat away from the three of them. Iðunn stared silently at the woman unblinkingly for a few moments, until she finally returned her gaze back to Víðarr. She'd take the time to figure out Bodin's sister another time, perhaps when she wasn't feeling so irritable all of the time. It would do no good to snap at their newest member out of annoyance. Bodin was next, and Iðunn felt like she would have needed to be blind to miss the extended stare he sent Sanngriðr's way. It was almost enough to make her smile, knowing what she knew.

As a surprise Auðr showed up, sitting quietly at the back of the group without any comment of their own, and she would be lying if she said she wasn't happy to see them. The two would need to catch up at a later point in time, as Iðunn wanted to know what they had been up to all this time. But Víðarr began to speak then, and she quickly looked his way, a soft hum in the back of her throat at his use of the common tongue. At least he had been practicing.

For a man of so few words he spoke many, and she felt her heart swell with pride at the sight of him truly becoming the man that she knew him to be. He would make a good leader for their group, and she would do anything and everything to make the transition to an official group as smooth as possible. Sanngriðr was the first to speak up in agreement, swiftly followed by Rōta who moved closer to the waiting food, as impatient as ever, and finally Tove.

"You have my allegiance," she said with a deep and intense look at Víðarr. Whatever he needed she would be there to help however she could. This was the start of something new, and they would all need to protect each other to assure their survival in this strange and new place.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish