
runnin' late with half your makeup on

seer (sir)



Master Intellectual (240)

Master Fighter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

3 Years

OverachieverScarredTeacherCritical Dodge!Double MasterSamhain 2022
1KCritical Attack!
02-27-2022, 02:48 AM
Enough, and the smile that comes with it. Hazel straightened her posture to a degree, trying not to look too sheepish. "It was close, I got some real good shots in," she tried to cover for herself, but it wasn't like the Warlord didn't already know. "You're right about my defenses though. It was the same then as it was today, I think, with the right side." Hazel admitted softly, reflecting as she walked beside him. If she knew what she was doing wrong, at least, she could fix it. There was resolve to the girl. Unshakable resolve.

Tender moments like these... though Hazel didn't know it now, these were the memories that she'd treasure until the end of her days. She'd reach up to press against his cheek, having to stretch to do so. Her teeth-- oh! Yeah, her teeth! "One of the old ones came out when I was helping her with dishes, she thought it was because I used my teeth to open one of her jars." Hazel shrugged, it was the closest the healer had ever come to reprimanding her. "She was surprised when the other one came out too, said something about how they were my adult teeth and shouldn't come out," that had been a few weeks ago now. "Was even more surprised when these new ones grew in, I 'unno why, but at least they don't hurt so much anymore." But sheeeeeeeesh had they hurt when they started coming in. Teething was absolutely no joke.

Hot on the trail of the jaguar, Hazel narrowed her eyes... maybe it would help her smell better? Something like that. "I'm pretty sure all boys are kinda stinky, no matter what they are." The words were grumbled, more to herself than anyone else. Mortis wasn't too bad, no, he was mostly okay. But like... Kotori? Ick! He'd just hit two years old after all, and Hazel could smell him walking past his den. Grimshaw too, he'd smelled pretty gross. Both boys around the same age... it checked out. Right, Hazel focused up. "Well he certainly can't have this place." Hazel straightened up, taking a moment to sniff at the area around where she first caught the scent of the big cat.

Ah! The track moved away from their border, but not by much. Out and parallel, and then out again, and then parallel some more. Behind her, the girl carried her tail high, excitement running in her veins. The trail wasn't that old either, and it wound through the trees. Hazel regularly paused to ensure she didn't lose the trail, and to make sure she wasn't going in circles. It was at the base of one of the trees that the red and pale girl stopped and pursed her lips, scowling. Yes, she could smell the cat on the tree but... now what? Why did it seem to disappear right here? "Can you give me a hint?" Hazel turned to her dad, a bit of frustration crinkling her brow.
