
it's hard to believe that i'll be fine one day




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
02-27-2022, 05:10 AM
As the girl spoke, Halo continued her search. At least it was nice to have the company, not being so alone with her own thoughts. Being alone with them... well, when her thoughts weren't supervised, they got mean. At least with someone else around, even a stranger, they'd be held accountable. Maybe with some accountability they'd be nicer to her. Halo could hope. Goodness, she could hope they'd be nicer to her. Please. Please.

She had worries. Halo looked up briefly, head canting softly to the side. "Well, have you asked him if he likes you?" How was she to know, after all, without asking? Affairs of the heart were beyond the pale healer's reach. She's too shy, too timid, and there was likely no hope for her anyway. It was easier to focus on her work and let the others do as they would. Right, her work. The work was the most important thing, helping others and all that.

Here's the thing: Halo doesn't believe she can be loved, so she will be useful. She will be so useful that it becomes a substitute for tenderness.

As if on cue, her gaze sets on a cluster of angelica. With careful paws, Halo began to dig the plant out from the roots. It didn't matter so much that the plant stayed intact, only that she got all parts of it. Stem, roots, seeds. Though it was tough stuff to find, it was good for stomach aches and a laundry list of other things. Well, at least she hadn't come out here for nothing. "You say you think you like him... what's the reason you only think, instead of know?" Halo's tone was gentle, the same she used with any of her patients. She doesn't want to make the girl uncomfortable with direct eye contact, so instead she continues to search the swampy ground cover for useful herbs.

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