
Fish and Smiths [Tel and Ardyn Seasonal]



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
02-28-2022, 05:11 PM

She hadn't been too active lately, and instead had been lost in her own thoughts and her own little world as she remained fixated on the voices she had heard over the long nights. They were familiar, she knew she should know who they were but she couldn't quite place her finger on it. It bothered her that she couldn't remember, but the more she thought about it, the more frustrated she got. Thankfully, Ardyn had come to her rescue and had taken her out to go do something that would occupy her mind and distract her. She hadn't told him yet that she hadn't been able to get the voices out of her head, but at least she wasn't crazy anymore. She thought she was during the long nights least that had passed.

"Well...I have a couple of ideas, but not sure how to execute it." She frowned as she trotted along until they came to the spot they'd be working at. She pictured feathers. She felt it'd fit her quite well, and she always did love the softness and beauty of them. They were strong and resilient, aiding birds in their flights and durable enough to protect them from the elements. As Ardyn sat down and began his work, she unlatched the bundle she had brought with her and gently rolled it out to reveal more feathers than she knew what to do with. They were of varying sizes, from fluffy down to the primary feathers. She had collected them while out hunting in the aviary next to pack lands. "I have a lot of swan feathers. I was thinking something like an armored cloak, or reinforced armor with them that also has a cloak attachment. I also have ideas for weaponry. Feather blades. I have some nice pieces of metal I traded for, and they're already sort of the winged shape I want. I just need to bend the pieces a bit more into place and work on a few other pieces. I think a stone would look nice in the center, and I think I have the perfect one! What do you think?"

She grinned and her tail wagged as she began to visualize her would-be creation. While he worked on his baskets, she set about unrolling the materials she had brought with her and carefully laid them out. She didn't have companions to help her like Ardyn and most others had, but maybe someday, she'd meet her perfect matches.

WC: 638/1500
