
Romeo take me somewhere I can be alone


10-02-2013, 12:22 PM
She would watch the male in silence, ears pricked attentively in his direction as he padded towards the water's edge. He stood for a moment, tossing a glance over his shoulder at Irin, and then he would vanish. For a moment, Irin stood in panic as she stared blankly at the water, but she forced herself to react, racing towards the water's edge in the precious seconds that followed her monster tumbling into the water. There was a possessive edge to her thoughts that she didn't notice in her panic, but it was there all the same. She had already come to like Ryker, during the process of their short meeting, and didn't intend to let him get hurt if there was anything that she could do about it.

The white female was weighing her options when Ryker broke the surface, and a breath that she hadn't realized she'd been holding escaped her lungs. "You're okay!" Relief filled her tone, lending it a warmth that hadn't been found in it until just then, and Irin flashed a brilliant smile at the male, her tail wagging in sheer joy that the male hadn't been injured during his tumble beneath the surface of the water.

A startled giggle would escape the female when Ryker spoke, his voice sarcastic around the chattering of his jaw, and Irin would smile as she padded up to the male, pressing her side against his. The cold water immediately began to seep through her fur as well, but Irin possessed the heritage of an arctic wolf, and was well insulated as she offered him some of her warmth. "You know, most wolves wait to swim until summer starts," Irin's voice was light; teasing, even, and she seemed to have forgotten her discomfort in his presence as she leaned into his body.

Valhallan wolf or not, he could very well die if Irin didn't warm him up. Her mind had immediately leaped to the worst conclusion, after all, and perhaps it was to be expected that that was what she had assumed would happen if she didn't help him.