
sunbeams are never made like me


Nirvana I


2 Years

02-28-2022, 08:25 PM
Nirvana's greeting to her beloved aunt was warm, a smile that reached up and colored even her gaze. A warmth that she hasn't felt in what feels like ages... in what feels like far too long. Family would do that for you, after all. Family... as much as she loved to explore, to roam, she loves her family too. It's undeniable. "I figured it might be time to come say hello," the words hold a bit of humor, there was no doubt in her mind that Manea realized she'd been haunting Elysium. She stretched up to nose at her aunt's cheek and ear, the comfort of the shared gesture washing over her. There were few things that she held dear, but family was at the very top of that short list.

How had she been? That was a question she could only consider how to answer. "Lately I've been well, but it was a long year." A seriousness held in her tone, Nirvana considered her words. "I caught that weird illness that went around this past winter, but otherwise there hasn't been anything major," she leaned into the paw on her cheek. Though tenderness doesn't come easily to her, it's with Manea that she can allow it to come through. Was she making light of just how close she'd come to being taken by the ooze? Yeah. But she didn't want to worry her aunt. "I missed you too." The words carry weight, and it wouldn't be often that Nirvana admitted to feeling... well, to feeling much of anything really. This was different, though, and she could let her guard down. Within Elysium, with Manea, she was safe.

"How have you been? Congratulations by the way, on the pack, on the pups... I can't wait to meet them." The words came quickly, almost all at once. The pups were barely children anymore. She thought of her aunt's announcement, and the fact that Avacyn would be planning a celebration in their honor. What a concept it was. Nirvana felt as if she'd been gone for ages, and she'd only just left, all at once. "What have I missed?" There were so many questions, it was hard not to throw them to Manea all at once. There was so much news, and so much to catch up on.
