
Little House, Little Kids



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
02-28-2022, 10:38 PM
Ricin is poking around the taller peaks of the island today. The need to explore has been making him restless and the almost yearling has had to fight the urge to strike off by himself. The need to find new and exciting things itching at the back of his mind. He tries to placate the desire and fills his days with climbing the mountains on the island and exploring every inch of his new home. Lately, the boy finds his mind returning to the lands in the south and the funny purple woman he had met while exploring. He remembers her kind face and dancing eyes, her willingness to answer all his questions even if she didn’t know the answers and the way she teased him.

As his dark tipped paws climb nimbly atop a tall peak, a sad sigh fills the air. Ricin turns his crimson gaze to stare out over the ocean, the rolling waves helping to calm the boy’s troubled mind. High above the land, removed from the cares of the world, a gentle call reaches Ricin’s ears, a gentle breeze carrying it up to where he perches. The owner’s voice is lost on the wind but it is unmistakably that the call is for him. For a moment, he tilts his head as curiosity tugs at him but then, the tall almost-yearling, swiftly and agilely makes his way back to the ground. Once his paws hit solid ground the curious boy jogs toward the common area near the lake.

The black and purple form that sits in the common area has Ricin’s paws slowing for a moment before his jog turns into a full-on sprint. Duchess had come to visit him! With a bark of pure happiness, the large boy bounds up to Duchess, stopping so he does not bowl her over, and throws his long legs around her. Gently, firmly, Ricin pulls the small wolf into a bear hug. Happily, he exclaims, “Duchess! I have missed you so much! How have you been? I was worried you wouldn’t come visit.” Light blue tail wags happily and the boy releases Duchess from his embrace. A huge smile rests on his lips as he looks at his friend, excitement bubbling in his chest to hear what she has been up to.

"Ricin Dauner"