
Little House, Little Kids




Master Hunter (255)

Master Navigator (240)

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Pride - BisexualAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2HomebodyIce Bridge Explorer
ExplorerMammoth HunterWordy1K
03-01-2022, 01:02 AM

Her expression had turned more intent as he began to speak, talking so highly of his brother. But that didn't make him any less than, or the way Duchess saw it. "A pack needs many different skills and traits. I'm sure you have your own place here." She reassured him, hoping that he wouldn't think differently but him thinking so highly of his brother was so kind of him.

Duchess listened silently as he spoke about how much he loved living in the pack and the security it offered. She had never felt so boisterous as he was in front of her, she was much more quiet. But seeing him so happy and well for himself made her happier than he could have truly known. The smile on her face was not wide but genuine as she listened and giggled a little.

He asked if she had been a part of a pack before which she nodded and added, "I lived in the Hallows, about a year ago. And then a group of us traveled in a band." Her words were careful not to step on any harsh emotions she may have felt. They were no longer together. "I'm staying for the week, but I'll give it some thought." She suggested mostly because she couldn't tell him no. Her current lifestyle wasn't settling her down into a pack anytime soon, and she didn't want to go into details on that matter.

They walked along the lake's edge together, and Ricin had caught on to how she may have seemed a bit sad earlier. "I'm just happy to see you." She told him, but stopped for a few seconds before moving towards the lake's edge. She sat down and looked at her distorted reflection, and his too if he joined her. She could have sat like that in silence forever. But she finally got words to form. "I was supposed to have babies." She confessed, maybe a bit sorrowfully but she held it together for him. "And when I look at you Ricin, when I'm around you, it makes me feel like they would be just as happy and generous as you are."


Duchess is an !M rated! character for themes of Depression. Please Discord me if you have concerns.