
Fish and Smiths [Tel and Ardyn Seasonal]



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
03-01-2022, 01:09 AM

"And I thought I had a lot of feathers." She chuckled a bit as she set about picking out the materials that she was going to work on, separating them into neat rows as she listened to Ardyn's advice on the different things she could do. A reinforced set of armor fashioned with the feathers with a cloak wasn't a bad idea, and she was confident she could make what she envisioned. She looked over his armor, noting the materials and the ways it connected, turning it over in her paws she could feel the durability and how well it was put together. If she had something like that, no doubt anyone who tried to bite through what they thought were all feathers, would certainly get a nice surprise when they realized it wasn't. She clicked her tongue in thought as she briefly watched him piece together his fishing baskets.

While he did that, she started working on her own gear. She'd work on the blades first since they would be easier and a little simpler than the larger armored piece. She gathered up the silver and was glad that the pieces that were traded for had been artistically worked on before they were given to her. She had no idea how to work metal yet, but the traders she had found specialized in metalcraft, so at least that was one thing she didn't have to worry about. She laid the pieces out, carefully positioning them in a way that it took the shape of a wing. The thinner, almost delicate-looking pieces were as sharp as a knife but they'd do well to both protect her forelegs and cut up would-be enemies. for those, she had the idea of hiding the blades behind a set of feathers that she planned on attaching later. For now, she wanted to at least get the base done before anything. Sitting back to look at it, she then grabbed the small clay pot of glue she had, and carefully applied it with a brush made from her own fur. Unless she figured out something that would essentially meld the metal together, the glue she had acquired was strong enough to bond the metal and keep it together well enough.

When she was done with that, she set aside the brush and glue and pulled out some thick leather pieces she had, and carefully began to cut it to size using her claws while frequently checking the fit against her forelegs. She wrapped the leather halfway around her foreleg, cut, and repeated until she was satisfied with the fit. Laying that on the ground, she carefully poked a few holes on the edges where the leather cords would go, and for that, she'd crisscross the straps so that it would stay secure enough when she moved during a battle.

WC: 1,617
