
-- s e m p i t e r n a l

Oberon I


3 Years
10-02-2013, 01:03 PM

lovely art by canttina<3

Unaware of his tracker, Oberon made his way along at an easy pace, his steps lethargic and unhurried. The creature walked like he didn't have an audience; ears swivelling curiously at every sound, his nostrils flaring to take in every scent that he could. However, with the wind working against him, he remained peacefully unaware of the wolf that tracked him, and might have remained so for a long while if a loud yell hadn't sounded in the air behind him - a shout that seemed to be directed at him, as there was no one else in the general vicinity.

Hesitating for a long moment, Oberon turned thoughtfully to face the other with a curious purple gaze, taking a few steps in the female's direction. She seemed familiar, though Oberon couldn't put a paw on it; it had been a long while since they had last met, after all. So perhaps he would be excused or the blank look on his features, and the evident confusion in his voice when he answered the shout cautiously; "Yeeees?" Oberon drew the word out as he took another step closer, coming to a full stop several feet away from the other, curiosity glinting in his eyes.

Why had this wolf summoned him? And why did she seem to be familiar? He wasn't bothered enough to ask about it, but she did seem to be familiar. It would come to him eventually, Oberon was sure, and it wasn't like it was a big deal anyways, so the marbled creature simply shrugged the thought off and gazed solemnly at the white pup.
