
Two different roads[Nibel]



10-03-2013, 09:01 AM

I couldn't help but to look the man over as he approached. Though me being well fed had nothing to do with pick life, I had been just this way as a rogue for a year. My red eyes looking at his markings, I smiled, he could just be a thief like any other. I was so used to others assuming I was male, unless of course their noses worked right. Though his comment earlier made me laugh. Honestly sometimes running into a rogue was troublesome because you didn't know who they were, but I tried my best anyway.
My weight shifted on the ground, I was the same size as him, maybe around the same weight only a few pounds smaller, but still. I didn't see how he had such trouble, then again I had plenty of experience even if he did seem older. No one should ever be judged by age. My own past splattered with blood, made it every more of the reason for me to justify what I knew. Though I payed no mind to his comment and stood myself. Shaking my tail free of the lingering muck. The black fur spiking as he kept his distance partly.
"I catch all my food thank you very much, but yes I am part of Seracia who rule the range." I noted, partly sarcastic hoping he wouldn't take it to offense. I wasn't one to judge, in the fact the less I knew it was probably the better. It would keep me from getting into trouble, or at least getting pissed off. I had worked with killers before, they didn't bother me too much unless I witnessed their crimes, and how severe they could be. However bad I felt though, as long as my friends and family were safe, there was always high tolerance level for me.
Kurai uncomfortably looked up at Nibelheim, flicking his tail back and forth. "My name is Rivaxorus, though you can call me Riv. How long have you been in Alacritis?" I asked tilting my head. Brown pelt had mud all over it, but it really didn't effect the color of it. Though it seemed less appealing towards anyone. Not that I was picky with things, but it could have been embarrassing. Kurai climbed onto my back, having me shift my weight in order for him to succeed. The fox didn't seem to fond of Nibel. But I couldn't be cold. Respect was key, and I could only do so much until learning more about the man in front of me.
"My name is Kurai." Kurai got in on a final note. His british accent hitting the air. It never ceased to amaze me, but then again when it came to be speaking Japanese. Even Kurai was deeply confused.
