
cold and bitter

Spar w/Cy



Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-04-2022, 12:28 AM
He was pleased his calls were not left to fall quiet on the hot, arid wind as an opponent made herself known. The spry, willowy femme emerged from the desert land, seemingly out of nowhere with the sheer amount of sand and dust scattered across it. The koi male offered little more than a neutral, unsatisfied expression - with a little scowl etched on his lips too, but nothing personal. He didn’t really have a sunny outlook on life, and he certainly wasn’t going to start flashing smiles and chirping hello’s to strangers. He didn’t care, quite frankly. He was here to spar, and so was she. Straight and to the point, just as he preferred it.

As the dark-pelted she-wolf braced herself in the cracked sand, her expression cocked up at his as if offering him the first move, Usagi responded in kind with mere silence. The bliss of an unmoving world lasted not even a half second as the koi male sprinted forward, muscular hind limbs charging him forward and closing the distance with calculated leaps. Instead of charging straight at the woman, or even feigning to one side, he aimed to brace his hind limbs and leap over her at the last moment, shooting out one hind limb to land a blow on the meat of her left hind thigh. If successful, it wouldn’t cause any real harm, but could definitely be a bit of a whallop and a surprise. He wasn’t the brute type, but he was just cordial enough to not hurt somebody badly in a spar.


Usagi vs Cyanide for Spar
Round 1/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Medium
Build: Light
Offensive Battle Accessory: Double-bladed Sword
Companion 1: Maine Coon, Male - Battle
Companion 2: Akita Inu, Male - Battle
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Advanced Hunter
wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—