
This was only step one

Pack meeting - due 2/27


"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
03-04-2022, 02:46 AM
While Ricin awaits his brother’s appearance, he casts his gaze around the meeting area. A gray wolf comes to sit next to the cloaked one and the blue pup furrows his brow in confusion. He looks really familiar, where does he know him? The wolf acknowledges his presence and the man’s voice clicks home the last piece of the puzzle. Eyebrows raise in excitement as Ricin says, “Kichi! How are you doing?” The boy is fond of the gray wolf that had taken pity on him when the blue pup had gotten lost. On the brothers journey, the boy often wondered what had happened to the kind wolf. Now, fate has brought Ricin and Chade to the pack that Kichi is a part of. A smile rests on his dark lips as he looks at the, now slightly smaller wolf. Funny how time changes things.

Chade shows up next and Ricin’s tail thumps the ground in greeting. His darker sibling sits next to him and asks if he missed anything going on to explain what he had been doing. The lighter boy shifts his hips so he can lean slightly into Chade’s hip and, just like that, all the worry that filled Ricin, disappears. More wolves start to filter in and Ricin says, “Hey Ny! Remember that wolf that helped me find when I got… lost? He’s right there!” The brothers are not far from the gray man, in fact, there is only one wolf between them but Ricin is just so happy to see Kichi. Excitement causes his voice to raise slightly as he pokes a paw toward the gray wolf.

Flashing Kichi a huge smile, Ricin then turns his attention back to Chade to fill him in, “Nah, you haven’t missed anything. Everyone is still arriving. Oh cool! How are the lessons going Swift? Are you having fun?” Ruby gaze turns to the cheetah but, before she can answer, Manea officially kicks off the meeting. Wide, curious eyes turn to the leader and Ricin listens with rapt attention. His tail wags slowly behind him and smile rests on his dark lips. The first order of business is… a celebration! Wait did Manea just include Ricin and Chade? The smile grows, his chest puffing out slightly in pride to be included in a yearling celebration with the leader’s children. Butterflies flutter nervously in his stomach as he remembers Saracyn‘s dislike for the brothers but Ricin vows not to let that deter him from enjoying the moment.

Ricin listens to the rest of meeting, while feeling like he is drifting on cloud nine. The almost yearling gives a small nod to the talk to improving skills. Manea mentions the brothers names again, bestowing their ranks and Ricin feels the butterflies take off again. Finally, the meeting is closed with the invitation to meet with Avacyn to plan the upcoming celebration. When the purple woman stands to signal the end, Ricin looks at his brother with sheer joy. There was too much to express so, the lighter pup just throws his arms around his brother and gives him a huge hug. After a moment, he whispers, “We made it Ny. We… survived.” The moment feels bittersweet as the past threatens to drag his mind back down a dark hole.

Pushing the memories away, Ricin releases his brother from his strong embrace and says, “I’m going to stay and help plan. What about you?” Waiting to hear Chade’s plans, Ricin then nods and quickly moves over to where Avacyn is standing. Bowing his head in respect, the blue pup says, “Congratulations Avacyn.” Raising his head, he offers her a smile as he adds, “I would like to help plan the celebration.” Joy dances in his crimson eyes.

"Ricin Dauner"