
Food A-Plenty



3 Years
03-04-2022, 01:47 PM
One carefully placed paw after another, being cautious about what was underfoot, the scent of rabbit so close she could almost taste it. Focus zeroed in on movement, the swivel of one long ear the twitching of a small nose as the unsuspecting prey sniffed at the ear and listened keenly to its surroundings. Perhaps it sensed danger close by.

Shahara lowered her streamlined frame, belly fur barely grazing the floor, wiggling her haunches in preparation. Just a little longer... The female thought with a subtle frown of concentration. Tension rippled throughout her form, excitement flaring before releasing like a spring, pouncing on what was supposed to be a rabbit, but at the last second it darted away, leaving the wolf skidding ungracefully through the grass.

Yellow hues stared mournfully in the direction her intended prey had fled, ears flattening against her head in defeat. With a huff, she picked herself up and shook out her soft fur in an attempt to regain her dignity. "Bested by a rabbit!" Shahara murmured to herself bitterly. "Just you wait rabbit! I will get you!"

A woof sounded close by causing her to swivel around in alarm and tensed ready to fight or flee. A gaze stared firmly into dual coloured eyes, their brightness and uniqueness momentarily stunning her into silence, the first thought that entered Shahara's mind was whether he saw her embarrassing display of rabbit hunting.

His words finally sunk into an addled brain, bringing relief that it was likely he didn't. Or he wouldn't have bothered to ask for her assistance, right? Tearing herself from her thoughts, his size finally registered along with a pair of deadly glinting fangs. A fresh dose of wariness returned eyeing the male suspiciously. "You need help?" She asked sceptically pointedly staring up at him; subtly noting the odd colouring of his pelt.

Realising that she was most likely being rude when he was offering her a once in a lifetime meal and some experience hunting, she forced herself to relax. "Sorry... you just caught me off guard. Sure, I'd like a hunting partner."

The female hesitated, glancing in the direction of the injured buck she had scented a while ago but written off as too big. It was already ambling off in the opposite direction. "We going after that one?" She asked, adding a note of confidence in her tone to avoid sounding too inexperienced. After a few moments she cleared her throat. "Lead the way! Erm.. What do I call you? I'm Shahara by the way..." She introduced herself awkwardly, tail lowering.