
Lover's Quarrel



10-02-2013, 01:51 PM

Song would assume that her friend was quite able to perceive the mounting tension that she herself had felt to readily. Though she would note the slight raise of hackles, she also knew that something was going on in the world. "Gladly, I would love to sharpen my own skills as well, for I fear they've become rusty after all these years without my daily training." Song would nod as the situation was similar to her own. She would need to spend more time in the company of the white ghost in the future. I agree, it has been much too long since my battle skills have been tested. My babies have drawn me away from the life of training. She would smile, not regretful of the children she was working so hard to raise.
Aurora would finish stretching and waking up, becoming more aware to her surroundings. She would need it as they would practice together. The larger she wolf would be the perfect partner for the smaller beta. How about we agree not to break the skin here, because even the tiniest of wounds in winter could doom anyone to starve. Song knew the truth she spoke in her words, and she was certain that she would not like to spill her friend's blood or anyone's unless they threatened her well being. Truer words have never been spoken, I will gladly agree to that, Aurora. Song would nod before backing away from the she wolf, trying to prepare herself for the ensuing training session.
Closing her eyes she would take in a deep breath, readying herself excitedly. Let us begin. Her eyes would narrow as her hackles raised and her knees began to bend. She would open her jaws to ready them for attack while her toes splayed and her ears would fall back in a defensive manner. Her tail would flex back and align with her spine and neck. She would balance her weight evenly as her attention was given completely to Aurora. You may have the first attack. She would say behind pearly incisors.
Song vs Aurora for Training

Round ONE of THREE?

Attack: None

Defense: Eyes narrowed, hackles raised, knees bent, jaws agape, toes splayed, ears back, tail out for balance, aligned spine, balanced weight.

Injuries: None
