
can we hunt this too?




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Hunter (103)

An icon representing the specialty Weaponsmaster Weaponsmaster

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 Worship
03-04-2022, 07:24 PM
Usagi rose with the sun, or rather, with his brother more like. The warmth of his sibling left him quickly and soon he was cold, jumpstarting the typical crabby outlook he maintained. Still, knowing Kuroo would be out fishing by the bay, the koi took his duties closer to the inland, patrolling the bamboo maze he was getting familiar with each day. He was well on his way to being able to navigate the entirety of it, able to pick out the most subtle of landmarks to indicate his location and proximity. It was with this knowledge Usagi was able to weave his way through the green-stalked expanse at his brother’s familiar call, trotting briskly towards the bay. He didn’t mind it terribly, given the waters were calmer than the ocean’s choppy, unsteady waves. However, as it stands, he despised fishing regardless of its location. But if his brother so wished, he’d do it. Barely containing a slight roll of his eyes, the grumpy male approached Roo with a slight quirk of his brow.

"What did you call me all this way for? You’re the expert fisherman, aren’t you-" Usagi’s typical snippy remark was cut off as his attention was directed towards the odd trilling of the strange That were clicking and flipping and twirling about like oversized grey worms. Something about them was so odd - whether it was their holes on their heads or the strange noises they made, he soon realized why Roo would’ve even bothered to call him over. " want to hunt these guys? Are they even..edible?" He said, moreso as an outward observation as he quizzically glanced at the streamlined creatures. Then again..they were a decent size, and appeared to be some kind of fish. Though not anything he’d ever seen, he supposed he could assist his brother in hunting one. He splayed his toes in the sandbank, glancing over to Kuroo as if allowing him to take a step forward. He’d support him, or even defend him, should these creatures show any hint of aggression - though their lackadaiscal demeanor towards anything made that possibility unlikely.


wishing there was something left to lose
this could be the day i die for you—