
ripe for the picking




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-04-2022, 08:40 PM

Zoey enjoyed the adventures each day brought, even as she was lonely. She didn’t grasp the concept that her situation, surviving on her own at such a young age, was highly abnormal. Well, not newborn young, but still very much naïve and new to the world. Her russet fur still contained the softness of downy puppy fur, her eyes were wide and bright with curiosity, and her paws still had to match up with the rest of her bodily proportions. No matter, she was light on her feet and quick to escape danger whichever way it came. She had a knack for observing the ways that nature work, even if it did appear mysterious and unexplainable. As Zoey’s mother taught her, nothing is impossible - there is an explanation for how everything works. And that philosophy she kept near and dear to her heart.

Shifting the goggles that sat comfortable on her face, her nearsighted vision was easily corrected by the curvature of the glass lenses, allowing her to focus on items near and far. As the child eagerly followed a tiny green snake with great intent, her pursuit was limited as the slithering creature slid into a tiny hole in the soft earth, leaving her alone once more. The slight rift of the coming fall breeze soon alerted her to the presence of another wolf. With perked ears and a slight grin in excitement, she crept towards the source of the faint scent trail, she soon came across one of the largest wolves she’d ever seen. A woman, gently padding along at a casual pace, seemingly nit noticing the awestruck girl that was watching her with such delight. "Woah! Your horns are so cool!" The russet child blurted out, grinning from ear to ear as she shook aside her stranger danger fears and trotted a little closer to the titan. She cocked her head upwards in an attempt to get a full view of the lady’s horned appendages on her skull, and then glanced at her striking markings that littered her pelt in an organized synchrony. She clearly hadn’t seen a wolf like this before. "I’m Zoey, what’s your name? Do you come from around here or from somewhere super far away? How are you so tall? Maybe I can be tall like you, too!" Zoey’s tail wagged eagerly, just happy to see another wolf in this quiet region.

”Speech” ‘Think’