
This was only step one

Pack meeting - due 2/27



Master Fighter (270)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Ranger Ranger

2 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022Statue 5 Worship
03-04-2022, 10:35 PM

Chade glanced at Ricin curiously before nodding to Kichi, “thanks!” Swift opened her mouth to reply to Ricin but then the meeting started and the young cheetah closed her mouth to look up and focus in on the meeting as surely as the wolves did.

Chade’s eyes widened in amazement, his tail slowly swaying back and forth then picking up speed in awe as Manea spoke of this celebration being for yearlings and not just her children but Ry and Chade also!  Was this for real?  To go from unwanted by a mom, to just the two of them alone but now, now they were to be a partial reason for a party?  They really had enough value for that?  Chade’s shoulder nudges Ry to share the joy of this news but not speaking while Manea continued on.

As she speaks of training Chade reminds himself its important he keeps training as well.  Chade had to make sure to never fail this pack.  Manea and Alastor had been kind enough to let them in, the other wolves were kind enough to accept them, well, most of them.  Chade didn’t look at Sara even as he thought of the exception to those who accepted the two brothers.

Even as Chade reminded himself to focus hard on his training Manea speaks up of his rising up in status on his birthday.  Chade and Ry both were getting a higher rank?  They were just turning a year old and yet they were already allowed a true position to work.  It was like an invisible badge of honor.  Chade felt a weight of responsibility resting on his shoulders again but, his shoulders were stronger now, he was larger and more dangerous.  Chade could handle responsibility now without it burdening him and when he thought of it the idea of this new responsibility felt good.  It was his turn to give back.

Sara’s promotion was mentioned and Chade could just feel the other pup’s eyes glance at him.  Thank goodness the boy was getting some of the power he clearly wanted.  Maybe this would take away some of his concerns that Chade and Ry would try to butt in on his parent's attention.  Chade lowered his head slightly to Sara, a small acknowledgment to the higher station but at the same time, Chade did not lower his eyes.  Saracyn was in a higher station, and he was the leader's child so truly his blood would be better but, Chade was not worthless.  Chade and Ry had a right to live and grow stronger no matter what the bastard thought of them.  He wouldn’t step on Sara’s toes or try to be his equal but the other pup would be disappointed if he was waiting for Chade to label Ry or him a waste of life or cower to him.  Despite that logic though, a part of him simmered as he thought of Sara’s belittling and wanted to beat the snot out of the cocky bastard. No.  Self-control and humility were best.

Chade had to clear his head and grin at Ry as his brother hugs him, “yeah,” Chade spoke softly, “every day out there was worth it Ry.  We showed fate or whatever.  We earned the right to live.  We can do anything, you and I.”  Chade pondered Ry’s next question, “I don’t know if I can be helpful or not but I’ll ask if nothing else I’ll be sure to congratulate Avacyn on the rise in rank.”

Chade nudged his brother, standing up, “Let's go.” That said heading towards Avacyn, a side wary gaze on Sara before focusing on the heir and offering her a respectful bow, “I don’t anything on how to plan for a celebration but if you know of tasks that need to be accomplished I can help with.  I’m happy to help.  Congratulations on becoming heir by the way.” Turning his head to Sara he dipped him a nod as well, it was harder now than ever, “Congratulations on becoming Gnatus.”  

"Chade & Ricin"
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