
brave as a noun




Intermediate Intellectual (50)

Beginner Hunter (0)

3 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 2 Worship
03-04-2022, 11:52 PM

Zoey glanced up from her lackluster inspection to see the older boy nod his head, explaining that he, too, lost family to the sickness. She couldn’t offer much in support, being so young and rattled by her parents’ traumatic end, but she merely offered a sympathetic glance to the armor-clad titan as she dropped a paw back on the ground, stepping back from the old chair she’d fiddled with. It was worn down, tattered, inside foam and dust exposed to the world. There wasn’t much else one could learn about it in its state that she didn’t already gather from her astute observations. When the male mentioned if she had anyone to care for her, the girl shrugged and mustered a smile, almost like a soft light emenating from a dark, foggy forest. "I’ve been taking care of myself all this time," She said, "My parents taught me a lot so I could survive on my own. Otherwise they would’ve taught me themselves." They crammed a vast amount of knowledge into her before they met their untimely, glowing fungus deaths - she’d barely begun to process the fact that they poured so much into her because they knew they were going to die, and wanted their only child to survive the best she could. Perhaps they were waiting for somebody - like this male in shining armor - to come and give her a real home to be safe.

When the male mentioned he knew a few people that could teach her and give her a place to rest, the offer was too much to resist. A child so bright and yearning for knowledge and adventure, yet so tired from struggling to hunt, eat, sleep, and take care of herself when in reality she should’ve still been under the care of a mother and father. She couldn’t keep this up for long. Her body was exhausted, her mind was demanding more teachings, more information, more about the world around them. Zoey wanted nothing more than to learn and grow - perhaps his suggestion wasn’t too bad. The smile still curving her lips, the young child and said, "You do? Um, can they teach me more about bugs and animals? Then yes!" She let her little tail wag ever so slightly, though it was clear she was in need of a safe place to grow. She wouldn’t find any security hunkering in a place like this by herself. Bright eyes, full of life and yet barely concealing the pain of loss, looked up at the larger male she’d befriended.
”Speech” ‘Think’