
Little House, Little Kids



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


Master Navigator (240)

Master Intellectual (270)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra large

Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
03-05-2022, 05:10 AM
Ricin tries to play his brother up, he has always been more comfortable with Chade getting praise then receiving any. Light blue head bobs in acknowledgment to her words, before explaining about his life in the pack. His happiness seems to rub off and Duchess giggles, earning her a huge, goofy lopsided grin. Paws have a bounce in their step as they walk, his question about if she ever lived in pack has the boy tilting his head. Ricin tries to understand what emotions lay behind her words… is it sadness… anger? Duchess hides her emotions well and the blue pup is left pondering what she is hiding inside her. His inquiry about what is wrong is met with a deflect and Ricin stops when she does.

Something boils underneath the surface of Duchess’s well-placed mask and Ricin wishes he could help ease whatever pain lays beneath. When she moves to the lake’s edge, the blue boy is right beside her, taking a seat with the purple wolf. Crimson eyes gaze into the water, his reflection moving and distorting with every moment. There is a heaviness inside the wolf beside him and Ricin wishes he could help. All he can do is sit with her, offer his presence, and shoulder to lean into, if she wants it. Her voice speaks up, turning the boy’s head toward her as she utters sorrow-filled words.

He allows her to give voice to what is what is bothering her and his ruby eyes fill with sympathy. Ricin’s heart aches as she speaks of thinking they would have been like him and a sad, knowing smile tugs at his lips. If only she knew what he had lived through. As silence falls and Duchess grows still, the blue pup moves closer to her, aiming to wrap his long legs around her smaller form and pull her toward him. If she cries, he will hold her, allowing any and all emotions to spill out and down into the fur of his chest. Lowering his head, Ricin lovingly nuzzles the black fur behind her ears, whispering, “I’m so sorry Duchess. You deserve happiness. I am here for you.”

Closing his eyes, Ricin lays he head gently along the back of her neck and starts to hum a song. It is from his childhood, one bright spot in a pool darkness. His father had shared it with the pups as the snuggled into his broad chest, the deep rumble and sweet tunes lulling the pups to sleep. Sitting here, by the lake, Ricin holds Duchess and offers her a small piece of his past. His chest vibrates with the deep tones that pass his lips as a soft hum. Eyelids close as he hums to her, this simple act showing how much he loves and cares for her.

"Ricin Dauner"