
Perfection Is The Color of the Incomplete




Master Healer (255)

Master Fighter (250)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

3 Years
Extra large
03-05-2022, 04:32 PM

Kore lifted his paw and Ulmaria leaned in to carefully examine the injury. She winced as Kore described what happened. "Ow! That's awful." She could well imagine how his paw hurt and the fact that he was still bleeding was something to be mindful of. "Ok, sit tight. I think I can make a poultice for this." She had a number of herbs drying but they weren't what she needed to help her brother's paw. These herbs were mainly for respiratory and stomach issues. What she needed was yarrow and meadowsweet, two herbs she learned about from Álarr and that happened to grow in the range. She knew there were some plants near the barn and she bounded over to the site of the barn, scouting for her quarry.

It didn't take long to recognize the small white flowers that adorned both herbs and she quickly used her teeth to gather a spring of meadowsweet and one of yarrow. With both plants between her teeth she bounded back over to her brother. Pulling a ceramic bowl over to herself she set the plants in the bowl. "These will help with the bleeding and the pain. Let me make a paste quick." She grabbed her water skin and carefully uncorked it with her teeth before tilting her head to pour just a splash of water in. True, she could just chew it and apply it but since she had all her supplies she figured she might as well go the more sanitary route. Grabbing a deer shin bone from her supplies she tilted her head and used the bone to mash the water and herbs into a thick, green paste.

Ok… ok what next? Well, she couldn't just apply it and let it dry since the injury was on the bottom of his paw. They'd need to bandage it. Luckily her lemur, Piper, was on the job. The lemur held up a thin strip of tanned hide. Ulmaria scooped up a dollop and placed it in the center of the bandage.

"Ok, let me see your paw. We'll need to bandage it to protect it and keep the poultice on."