
Went down to Santa Fe, where Renoir paints the walls



Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (275)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf
03-05-2022, 06:34 PM

Raijin had to admit, he felt a bit better when a laugh bubbled out of Sedna’s chest. She told him that it didn’t have to be ‘his problem’, but Raijin had always known he’d never wanted to be an absentee father. His parents had been serious and righteous and rarely there and he didn’t want that for any broods that he sired. It hadn’t been in his plan to had kids like this, but perhaps there was something greater in the works. He wasn’t a religious man, but the thought that there was some divine, greater purpose in the world for all that happened had always sounded nice to him. “Obviously I hadn’t planned for this to happen, but I’ve always wanted pups at some point anyways and I know that I want to be a part of their lives. So unless you beat me away with a hive of bees on a stick, you aren’t getting rid of me easily,” he replied, finishing it off with a wink because serious situations weren’t his forte.

Sedna let him know that a hug was on her list of needs, as well as mint, with a smirk on her face. The man needed no further prompting, closing the space between them and wrapping the galaxy-coated healer in a firm hug. She was only an inch shorter than him, so really not shorter at all, but he tried his best to envelope her, his teeth preening the base of her skull when his head was cast over her shoulder. “I can go see if I can borrow some from Abaven’s stores. The kids can always gather and plant more, it’ll be good practice,” he told her, one of his paws gently rubbing her back in comfort. Their lives were about to change, and Sedna would be taking the brunt of it. He hoped she could at least feel like she could lean on him for support.

"Genji Raijin"