
Remember the Name



10-02-2013, 06:00 PM

Walk | Talk | Think

As Knight took the lead and altered their course slightly, Mercianne stayed close beside him, hardly even noticing the change as she continued to eagerly send little peeks and glances his way. It still amused her greatly that one of her own children would have shared a name with him, a strange coincidence if there ever was one, and made her question slightly what significance it might have played if any. Surely it had to mean something, even just a little something, or else it would have never been? It was as intriguing as it was puzzling, something the timid white wolf was sure to dwell on even long after their initial meeting, but for the time being she attempted to settle herself enough not to make her feelings regarding it obvious. She was sure she was making enough of an unusual first impression already.

Even he seemed surprised by the news, forgetting to watch the scenery in search of the prey he had found in order to glance her way with a telling smile. As if sharing in on a secret, she could not stop the smile that slid into place in answer, a miniscule tail wag accompanying it. He complimented the names of her children, Cloud in particular, and even seemed to think there was something significant regarding the name as well. What does he think? she wondered, glancing away to watch her footing for a moment as she continued to trail obediently along beside him. He saw meaning here too, but what? Was it like hers, a thought that perhaps their meeting had not been accidental at all, but fated and determined beforehand by some unseen figure? It was an admittedly fanciful thought, but one that had managed to course its way through her mind regardless, taking some of her consideration despite its imaginative quality.

A chuckle preceded another question, this one regarding her only daughter. Just a little the smile about her face dimmed with a sudden uncertainty, a confusion that she often always had steal over her when thinking about the quiet little Kestrel. "I...I don't know," she answered honestly, quietly, "she doesn't...really say much." It was still a topic of much confusion for her, why when the rest of the pups would go off telling their stories or even arguing amongst themselves as pups were prone to doing, that Kestrel would still remain silent. She had thought for a while she might eventually outgrow it and develop her voice with time, maybe when she found something worthwhile of saying, but nothing yet had coaxed a sound from her. Was it possible she never would outgrow it? Was it possible she had no choice? Though her thoughts troubled her and made her concern grow, she tried to smile around her nervous expression and added, "She's always been a quiet one."