
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star



5 Years
11-13-2013, 07:14 PM

She laid there restlessly by the den entrance. She had wanted to go out all day, to see the world and explore. She had no one but her mother to keep her company and her puppy antics and energy needed to companionship from another her age. Born in a litter of the only survivor she had no siblings. Head lifted to look up at the night sky, of what she could see of it. Often before she had glimpsed the stars up in the black sky and was intrigued by them. She loved the way they twinkled and shined in the darkness. Sometimes one would shoot across as if chasing after something.

She shifted as she laid there on her belly. With a soft disgruntled grunt she got up and slowly, carefully padded out into the open. It was frightening, overwhelming and yet so thrilling! Russet ears perked forwards to the top of curling down towards her face. The tiny fluff ball gave a start and bounced out into the frigid late autumn night. A layer of early snow glistened in the moonlight, the moon and stars turning everything white and silver. She gave a squeal at the snow under foot, the cold substance a new and strange experience. She dashed about, growling slowly but surely farther away from the den. The dirty white, blue grey and russet girl tumbled and was sent rolling in the snow with giggles. Jaws opening to snap at the white stuff the now covered her and the ground. She froze as it melted in her mouth and repeated to snap up more and more snow just to have it melt in her mouth. The pup's fur poofed out before she yipped and took off pouncing around, front paws slamming into the ground.

The tin pup had spent a good deal running about till she found a large log. Nose went to work at all the confusing scents around it. Unknown to her this was the log Isardis had stood so many times to address the pack. She growled and grunted at the scents, trying to make sense of them all. All she knew was mother's scent and the earth, the cold northern breeze, and milk. She reared up on her hind legs, front paws bracing on the log, still sniffing before clawing and crawling her way up to the top. Once on top she looked around. Her firey amber eyes widened in amazment, she could see the whole world up here! Rear flopped down as eyes lifted up to the clear night sky.I want to be a star one day! She declared out loud.
